Ever wonder why millions of people watch eSports? Or why Amazon would spend nearly a billion dollars to purchase Twitch.tv, an eSports streaming service?
Well, Riot Games recently released a three-part League of Legends documentary video series you should check out. The League of Legends documentary follows key players competing in this year’s World Championship.
This video series will help even a non-gamer understand how passionate gamers are for eSports, and how the popularity has exploded over the last few years.
League of Legends Thrives on the eSports Scene
In part one, the video follows several of the pros that have been around from the beginning. It looks at how the players began their careers and how they feel about being pro gamers.
The video also picks up on some key highlights of past events and showcases those important moments leading up to the World Championship next month.
With interviews from the likes of xPeke (Fnatic), YellOwStar (Fnatic), bebe (TPA), GoGoing (OMG), Piglet (SKT), and Hai (Cloud 9), this is truly an epic documentary to watch.
Q&A Session on Riot Games’ League of Legends Documentary
In a recent Q&A session with director Daniel Stolzman, Daniel concluded his interview with this.
I’m extremely curious to know where all this eSports growth is headed. I think just a few years ago some eSports fans may have wanted to see the sport get mainstream recognition, but I’m curious to see if that will really matter in the long term. -Daniel Stolzman
Also, check out this Counter-Strike: Global Offensive eSports Documentary as well. These are the beginning days of a new era of spectator sports. Soak it in!